
Carbon dioxide emissions are the primary driver of global climate change. Some of the biggest predictors of these emissions include economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization. The data in carbon.csv are from 2017 and include some predictors of carbon dioxide emissions for several countries around the world. The variables are:


# Import data
carbon = readr::read_csv(file = "")

# View data
# A tibble: 189 × 5
   country             region      co2 wealth urbanization
   <chr>               <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl>        <dbl>
 1 Afghanistan         Asia      0.254   1.07        3.35 
 2 Albania             Europe    1.59    3.75        1.32 
 3 Algeria             Africa    3.69    3.54        2.81 
 4 Angola              Africa    1.12    2.71        4.31 
 5 Antigua and Barbuda Americas  5.88    4.36        0.432
 6 Argentina           Americas  4.41    4.49        1.15 
 7 Armenia             Europe    1.89    3.72        0.309
 8 Australia           Oceania  16.9     5.60        1.66 
 9 Austria             Europe    7.75    5.82        0.836
10 Azerbaijan          Europe    3.7     3.79        1.47 
# ℹ 179 more rows


World Bank (2019). World Bank open data.