
Human overpopulation is a growing concern and has been associated with depletion of Earth’s natural resources (water is a big one that ) and degredation of the environment. This, in turn, has social and economic consequences such as global tension over resources such as water and food, higher cost of living and higher unemployment rates. The data in fertility.csv were collected from several sources (e.g., World Bank) and are thought to correlate with fertility rates, a measure directly linked to population. The variables are:


# Import data
fertility = readr::read_csv(file = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zief0002/benevolent-anteater/main/data/fertility.csv")

# View data
# A tibble: 124 × 7
   country      region fertility_rate educ_female infant_mortality contraceptive
   <chr>        <chr>           <dbl>       <dbl>            <dbl>         <dbl>
 1 Albania      Europ…           1.49         9.1             15              46
 2 Algeria      Middl…           2.78         5.9             17.2            57
 3 Armenia      Europ…           1.39        10.8             14.7            57
 4 Austria      Europ…           1.42         8.9              3.3            66
 5 Azerbaijan   Europ…           1.92        10.5             30.8            55
 6 Bahamas, The Latin…           1.97        11.1             13.9            45
 7 Bangladesh   South…           2.5          4.6             33.1            62
 8 Belgium      Europ…           1.65        10.5              3.4            67
 9 Belize       Latin…           3.08         9.2             15.7            51
10 Benin        Sub-S…           5.13         2               58.5            16
# ℹ 114 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: gni_class <chr>


Roser, M. (2017). Fertility rate. Our world in data.

UNICEF. (2016). State of the world’s children 2016. United Nations Population Division’s World Contraceptive Use, household surveys including Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys.

World Bank (2019). World Bank open data.