
The data in graduation.csv include student-level attributes for \(n=2,344\) randomly sampled students who were first-year, full-time students from the 2002 cohort at a large, midwestern research university. Any students who transferred to another institution were removed from the data. The source of these data is Jones-White, Radcliffe, Lorenz, & Soria (2014). The attributes, collected for these students are:


# Import data
graduation = readr::read_csv(file = "")

# View data
# A tibble: 2,344 × 7
   student degree   act scholarship ap_courses first_gen non_traditional
     <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>     <chr>          
 1       1 Yes       21         0            0 No        No             
 2       2 Yes       19         0            0 No        No             
 3       3 Yes       27         0            0 Yes       No             
 4       4 Yes       25         0.5          0 Yes       No             
 5       5 No        28         0           17 Yes       No             
 6       6 Yes       21         0            0 No        Yes            
 7       7 Yes       27         0            8 Yes       No             
 8       8 No        20         0            0 No        No             
 9       9 Yes       26         0            0 Yes       No             
10      10 Yes       25         0            4 Yes       No             
# ℹ 2,334 more rows


Jones-White, D. R., Radcliffe, P. M., Lorenz, L. M., & Soria, K. M. (2014). Priced out?: The influence of financial aid on the educational trajectories of first-year students starting college at a large research university. Research in Higher Education, 55(4), 329–350.