
Each season, Team Marketing Report (TMR) computes the cost of taking a family of four to a professional sports contest for each of the major sporting leagues. Costs are determined by telephone calls with representatives of the teams, venues and concessionaires. Identical questions were asked in all interviews. Prices for Canadian teams were converted to U.S. dollars and comparison prices were converted using a recent exchange rate.

The data in nhl.csv includes data on the cost of attending an NHL game over nine seasons for the current 31 NHL teams. The attributes include:


# Import data
nhl = readr::read_csv(file = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zief0002/benevolent-anteater/main/data/nhl.csv")

# View data
# A tibble: 279 × 4
   team              fci  year hs_hockey
   <chr>           <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 Anaheim Ducks    212.  2002         0
 2 Anaheim Ducks    229.  2003         0
 3 Anaheim Ducks    211.  2006         0
 4 Anaheim Ducks    260.  2007         0
 5 Anaheim Ducks    274.  2008         0
 6 Anaheim Ducks    285.  2010         0
 7 Anaheim Ducks    239.  2011         0
 8 Anaheim Ducks    285.  2013         0
 9 Anaheim Ducks    289.  2014         0
10 Arizona Coyotes  214.  2002         0
# ℹ 269 more rows