
The data in pew.csv come from a telephone survey conducted by The Pew Research Center for The People & The Press in February 2007. The data represent a probability sample of 1,502 adults in the U.S. The attributes in the dataset include:


# Import data
pew = readr::read_csv(file = "")

# View data
# A tibble: 1,502 × 10
      id knowledge  news   age  educ  male ideology party  state_blue engagement
   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>      <dbl>
 1     1        50    63  44.4    14     0     39.3 Democ…          0       79.5
 2     5        79    54  59.5    15     1     69.5 Democ…          0       80.8
 3     6        31    65  43.8    12     0     18   Democ…          0       99.6
 4     8        93    50  29.6    16     1     29.7 Democ…          0       88.6
 5     9        23    12  45.1    12     0     52.5 Democ…          0       82.4
 6    11        23    43  47.5     9     0     62   Democ…          0       67  
 7    13        44    34  18.3    10     1     28.3 Democ…          0       69.4
 8    14        97    56  79.1    17     1     30.1 Democ…          0       78.2
 9    16        54    81  32.5    13     0     31.7 Democ…          0       97.8
10    18        58    66  30.8    16     0     11   Democ…          0       78.3
# ℹ 1,492 more rows
