The data in pew.csv come from a telephone survey conducted by The Pew Research Center for The People & The Press in February 2007. The data represent a probability sample of 1,502 adults in the U.S. The attributes in the dataset include:
id: The respondent ID number
knowledge: Score on the Political News Knowledge Test; on a scale from 0–100, with higher values indicating more political knowledge.
news: Respondent’s level of news exposure; on a scale from 0–100, with higher values indicating more news exposure
age: Respondent’s age
educ: Respondent’s education level; indicates highest grade completed from 8 to 18 (a post masters degree)
male: Dummy coded sex variable (0 = Not male, 1 = Male)
ideology: Respondent’s political ideology; on a scale from 0–100, where 0 is as liberal as possible and 100 is as conservative as possible
party: Respondent’s party affiliation
state_blue: Does the respondent live in a “blue state” (voted Democrat) or a “red state” (voted Republican) as classified by voting in the 2004 presidential election
engagement: Index of individual political engagement; on a scale from 0–100, with higher values indicating more political engagement