
The data in usnwr-2024.csv includes 13 attributes collected from the n=111 graduate schools of education ranked in the U.S. News and World Report’s 2023–2024 Best Education Graduate Schools.


  • rank: Rank in USNWR
  • school: Graduate program of Education
  • peer_rating: Peer assessment score from deans’, program directors’, and senior faculty’s judgement of the academic quality of the program on a scale of 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding).
  • enroll: Total enrollment of part-time and full-time graduate students in 2022–23
  • ft_students: Total number of full-time graduate students enrolled in 2022–23
  • ft_faculty: Total number of full-time faculty employed in 2022–23
  • nonres_tuition: Amount of yearly non-resident graduate tuition
  • sf_ratio: Adjusted ratio of graduate students to faculty in 2022–2023
  • pct_doc: Percentage of students enrolled in a Ph.D./Ed.D. in 2022–23
  • ug_gpa: Average undergraduate GPA for Ph.D. students admitted in 2022–23
  • gre: Averge total GRE score (based on verbal and quantitative) for Ph.D. students admitted in 2022–23
  • doc_accept: Acceptance rate for doctoral students in 2016
  • tot_pubs: Total number of publication attributed to faculty in the program from 2019–23 based on SCOPUS
  • tot_res: Total amount of funded research (in millions of dollars)


# Import data
usnwr = readr::read_csv(file = "")

# View data
usnwr |>
    print(width = Inf)
# A tibble: 111 × 14
    rank school                                peer_rating enroll ft_students
   <dbl> <chr>                                       <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>
 1     1 Teachers College, Columbia University         4.2   4471        3192
 2     1 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor             4.4    455         303
 3     3 Northwestern University                       4.1    382         228
 4     3 University of Pennsylvania                    4.4   1654        1091
 5     3 University of Wisconsin--Madison              4.3   1136         729
 6     6 Vanderbilt University (Peabody)               4.5   1007         809
 7     7 Stanford University                           4.6    343         343
 8     7 University of California--Los Angeles         4.3    701         701
 9     9 Harvard University                            4.4    868         707
10     9 New York University (Steinhardt)              4.1   2163        1747
   ft_fac nonres_tuition sf_ratio pct_doc ug_gpa   gre doc_acc tot_pubs tot_res
    <dbl>          <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
 1    131          45912      8.4    23.9    3.5   313    12.1      789    65.2
 2     45          53178      4.2    30.8    3.3   316    13.7     1802    40.9
 3     39          56067      2.2    22.2    3.7   321     7.8      719    29.2
 4     75          42864      4.8    23.8    3.3   312    14.6     1176    50.4
 5    123          24054      5.4    51.1    3.5   305    15.9     1396    64.5
 6     97          53160      2.6    24.9    3.6   321     5.4     1195    49.9
 7     51          56487      4.3    46.6    3     327     3.9     1415    25.2
 8     43          26802      7.1    51.6    3.4   310    28.1     1058    46.5
 9     42          54032      3.6    14.1    3.9   320     5.7     2148    36.7
10     79          48480      4.6    14.5    3.7   314     4.7      886    71.4
# ℹ 101 more rows