Carbon dioxide emissions are the primary driver of global climate change. Some of the biggest predictors of these emissions include economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization. The data in carbon.csv are from 2017 and include some predictors of carbon dioxide emissions for several countries around the world. The variables are:
country: Country name
region: Region of the world
co2: Carbon dioxide measure from the burning of fossil fuels (metric tons per person)
wealth: A measure of a country’s wealth based on its GDP; higher values indicate wealthier countries
urbanization: Annual urban population growth (as a percentage)
# A tibble: 189 × 5
country region co2 wealth urbanization
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Afghanistan Asia 0.254 1.07 3.35
2 Albania Europe 1.59 3.75 1.32
3 Algeria Africa 3.69 3.54 2.81
4 Angola Africa 1.12 2.71 4.31
5 Antigua and Barbuda Americas 5.88 4.36 0.432
6 Argentina Americas 4.41 4.49 1.15
7 Armenia Europe 1.89 3.72 0.309
8 Australia Oceania 16.9 5.60 1.66
9 Austria Europe 7.75 5.82 0.836
10 Azerbaijan Europe 3.7 3.79 1.47
# … with 179 more rows