
These data are based on data from Abejehu (2016) who collected survey data from teachers in order to study the practice of continuous assessment in Ethiopian primary schools. Continuous assessment promotes the use of formative assessment as a method to improve teaching and learning. In the study, a 24-item survey was administered to primary school teachers who were randomly selected from the total population of 191 primary school teachers using a lottery system. The data in continuous-assessment.csv include \(n=30\) teachers’ data from three of the items. The response options for all items was a four-point Likert scale, where:

The attributes included in the data are:


# Import data
continuous_assessment <- read_csv(file = "")


Abejehu, S. B. (2016). The Practice of Continuous Assessment in Primary Schools: The Case of Chagni, Ethiopia. Journal of Education and Practice.