
The data in comic-characters.csv contains data on 14 attributes for 23,272 comic characters. These data were scraped in 2014 from from Marvel Wikia and DC Wikia by FiveThirtyEight and used in the story Comic Books Are Still Made By Men, For Men And About Men. The variables are:

  • character: The name of the character
  • comic: If the character appears in DC Comics or Marvel Comics
  • reality: Comic reality the character appears in
  • identity: The identity status of the character (Secret Identity, Public identity, No Dual Identity)
  • alignment: If the character is Good, Bad or Neutral
  • eye_color: Eye color of the character
  • hair_color: Hair color of the character
  • sex: Sex of the character (e.g. Male, Female, etc.)
  • lgbtq: If the character is identified as LGBTQ
  • lgbtq_note: Additional information if the character is identified as LGBTQ
  • alive: If the character is alive or deceased
  • appearances: The number of appearances of the character in comic books (as of September 2, 2014)
  • first_appear_date: The month and year of the character’s first appearance in a comic book, if available
  • first_appear_year: The year of the character’s first appearance in a comic book, if available


# Import Data
comics = readr::read_csv(file = "")

# View data