
This data, stored in state-education.csv includes state-level aggregate data on six attributes. The attributes, collected for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, are:

  • state: State name
  • postal: State postal code
  • region: Region of the country identified by the National Education Association (Far West, Great Lakes, Mid East, New England, Plains, Rocky Mountains, Southeast, Southwest)
  • sat_participate: Percentage of students in the state who took the SAT.
  • sat_ebrw: Average score on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) scale in the state.
  • sat_math: Average score on the math scale in the state.
  • sat_total: Average total SAT score in the state.
  • salary_2020_21: Average 2020–2021 public teacher salary in the state.

Note: All of the SAT data is based on students in the class of 2020 who took the current SAT during high school. The SAT is made up of three sections: (1) Reading, (2) Writing and Language (also just called Writing), and (3) Math. The Math section is scored on a scale of 200–800. The Reading and Writing sections are combined to give a Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) score, also ranging from 200–800. By combining the Math and EBRW scores, we get a total SAT score ranging from 400–1600.


# A tibble: 52 x 8
   state                postal region          sat_participate sat_ebrw sat_math
   <chr>                <chr>  <chr>                     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 Alabama              AL     Southeast                     7      576      551
 2 Alaska               AK     Far West                     37      555      543
 3 Arizona              AZ     Southwest                    29      571      568
 4 Arkansas             AR     Southeast                     4      590      567
 5 California           CA     Far West                     67      527      522
 6 Colorado             CO     Rocky Mountains             100      511      501
 7 Connecticut          CT     New England                 100      527      512
 8 Delaware             DE     Mid East                    100      497      481
 9 District of Columbia DC     Mid East                    100      498      482
10 Florida              FL     Southeast                   100      512      479
   sat_total salary_2020_21
       <dbl>          <dbl>
 1      1127          54271
 2      1098          72861
 3      1139          52157
 4      1157          50992
 5      1049          85892
 6      1012          60611
 7      1039          79742
 8       978          65798
 9       979          80659
10       992          49583
# … with 42 more rows


College Board. (2020). SAT suite of assessments annual report. Author.

NEA Research. (2021). Rankings of the states 2020 and estimates of school statistics 2021. National Education Association.