
The data in mammals.csv come from Allison & Cicchetti (1976) and contain data on 62 species of mammals. The attributes include:


# Import data
mammals = readr::read_csv(file = "")

# View data
# A tibble: 62 × 11
   species       body_…¹ brain…² slow_…³ paradox total…⁴ lifes…⁵ gesta…⁶ preda…⁷
   <chr>           <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 African elep… 6.65e+3  5712      NA      NA       3.3    38.6     645       3
 2 African gian… 1   e+0     6.6     6.3     2       8.3     4.5      42       3
 3 Arctic fox    3.38e+0    44.5    NA      NA      12.5    14        60       1
 4 Arctic groun… 9.2 e-1     5.7    NA      NA      16.5    NA        25       5
 5 Asian elepha… 2.55e+3  4603       2.1     1.8     3.9    69       624       3
 6 Baboon        1.06e+1   180.      9.1     0.7     9.8    27       180       4
 7 Big brown bat 2.3 e-2     0.3    15.8     3.9    19.7    19        35       1
 8 Brazilian ta… 1.6 e+2   169       5.2     1       6.2    30.4     392       4
 9 Cat           3.3 e+0    25.6    10.9     3.6    14.5    28        63       1
10 Chimpanzee    5.22e+1   440       8.3     1.4     9.7    50       230       1
# … with 52 more rows, 2 more variables: exposure <dbl>, danger <dbl>, and
#   abbreviated variable names ¹​body_weight, ²​brain_weight, ³​slow_wave,
#   ⁴​total_sleep, ⁵​lifespan, ⁶​gestation, ⁷​predation


Allison, T., & Cicchetti, D. V. (1976). Sleep in mammals: Ecological and constitutional correlates. Science, 194(4266), 732–734. doi:10.1126/science.982039