Assignment Due Dates

Below are the due dates for the assignments, as well as links to each assignment. The due dates may change at the instructor’s discretion. Any revised due dates will be announced in class and posted to the website.

Assignment Due Date (T/R) Due Date (M/W) QMD HTML
Assignment #1: Introduction to Quarto Feb. 09 Feb. 13
Assignment #2: Polynomial Effects Feb. 21 Feb. 22
Assignment #3: Evidence and Model Selection Mar. 02 Mar. 13
Assignment #4: Logarithmic Transformations Mar. 23 Mar. 27
Assignment #5: Logistic Regression Apr. 11 Apr. 10
Assignment #6: LMER: Unconditional Longitudinal Models Apr. 25 Apr. 24
Assignment #7: OPTIONAL — LMER: More Longitudinal Models May 06 May 06