
The data in same-sex-marriage.csv were collected from the 2008 American National Election Study, conducted jointly by the University of Michigan and Stanford University. These particular data consist of 1,746 American’s responses. The attributes are:


# Import data
same_sex = readr::read_csv(file = "")

# View data
# A tibble: 1,746 × 6
   support attendance denomination friends   age female
     <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>          <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
 1       0          3 Protestant         0    58      1
 2       0          4 Protestant         0    39      1
 3       0          1 Catholic           1    50      0
 4       0          3 Protestant         0    72      0
 5       0          0 Other              0    71      1
 6       0          4 Protestant         1    66      1
 7       0          4 Protestant         0    56      0
 8       0          4 Protestant         0    40      1
 9       0          4 Protestant         0    55      0
10       0          2 Protestant         1    84      1
# … with 1,736 more rows