
The data in wine.csv includes data on 200 different wines. These data are a subset of a larger database (\(n = 6,613\)) from, one of the biggest e-commerce wine retailers in the U.S. It allows customers to buy wine according to any price range, grape variety, country of origin, etc. The data were made available at The attributes include:


# Import data
wine = readr::read_csv(file = "")

# View data
# A tibble: 200 × 6
   wine                                      vintage region varie…¹ rating price
   <chr>                                       <dbl> <chr>  <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 Rust en Vrede Cabernet Sauvignon                4 South… Cabern…     91  30.0
 2 Bonterra Organically Grown Merlot               4 Calif… Merlot      90  15.0
 3 Allegrini Palazzo della Torre                   2 Italy  Other …     90  20.0
 4 Marcarini Barolo Brunate                        2 Italy  Other …     94  56.0
 5 Chateau Beausejour Duffau                       3 France Other …     96  98.0
 6 Clos du Marquis                                 2 France Other …     96  60.0
 7 Altocedro Ano Cero Malbec                       4 South… Other …     92  19.0
 8 Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Artemis Caberne…       4 Calif… Cabern…     91  33.0
 9 Duckhorn Three Palms Merlot                     3 Calif… Merlot      95  89  
10 Migration Russian River Pinot Noir (375M…       4 Calif… Pinot …     93  20.0
# … with 190 more rows, and abbreviated variable name ¹​varietal